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Voices of Experience
Being photographed by Johanna Siegmann is a joy and a privilege, the resultant photo a treasure.
Norman Learproducer
I love it! You caught the perfect shot, and notwithstanding lots of technical difficulties. The photo is just beautiful and I will treasure it. You really captured Mia, and her loving and playful demeanor. Eve also sends her best, and likewise adores the photo. All my best and thanks again for the treasure. We admire your art and all the more so now.
Congressman Adam Schiff
Our team consistently hires Johanna for retail property photo shoots; she has proven to be a fantastic photographer. She understands the importance of illustrating a property’s best assets and listens to our suggestions while simultaneously incorporating her own expertise, resulting in an impeccable product. She also provides a variety of angles as well as perfectly edited photographs. Most importantly, she's incredibly responsive and works with our team to provide excellent customer service to our clients.
Heather GarrettVP Marketing, Eastdil